# Managing your deposits

You can use DeBets App to manage all your deposits.

# Active deposit

The deposit active in the game is shown in DeBets App main view, right below the address of your connected wallet from the top:

DeBets App main view
DeBets App main view

# Deposit details and management

Click on the see details button next to the active deposit to see the details of the deposit. This opens a page like the following:

DeBets App main view
DeBets App main view

Let's describe in details the content of this page from top to bottom:

  • Deposit Status: At the very top you can see the current status of the deposit, with a brief description underneath and then the ID that the Smart Contract has assigned to the deposit. This is the list of possible statuses:
    • ACTIVE the deposit is active in the game
    • AVAILABLE the deposit can be activated in the game and used to play
    • WITHDRAWING you have requested to close the deposit and the Smart Contract is waiting for the game provider to counter close it
    • CLOSED BY GAME PROVIDER the game provider has requested to close the deposit and the Smart Contract is waiting for you to counter close it by clicking on the WITHDRAW button
    • PAYMENT DUE FROM GAME PROVIDER the Smart Contract is waiting for the game provider to increase its balance in order to pay the reminder of your winning
    • CLOSED the deposit has been closed
  • Deposit balance: this shows the current balance which is given by the amount originally deposited plus the total amount won minus the total amount bet for this deposit. Next to the balance a percentage indicates the balance change with respect to the amount originally deposited. In the same box under the balance you get the amount that was deposited and the creation time of the deposit.

  • Deposit Management:

    • WITHDRAW Use this button to invoke the Smart Contract in order to request to close the deposit and withdraw your balance
    • ADD FUNDS Use this button to add more funds into the deposit. The funds you add increment the amount deposited and the current balance is increased by the same amount. You normally use this button if your balance is low and you want to continue playing using the current deposit rather than creating a new one. Just like when you withdraw, when you add funds the Smart Contract is invoked and therefore a transaction on the blockchain takes place.
    • ACTIVATE Use this button to activate the deposit in the game in order to use it for playing. This button is only enabled if the deposit status is AVAILABLE
  • Deposit state: What follows is the current state of the deposit for all information regarding the Payment Channel such as: total amount won and total amount bet up to that moment, the value of the Nonce, the hash of the message that represents the balance of the deposit in the Payment Channel and the signature made by DeBets App on behalf of the player and the signature of the game provider.
    All this information is updated while you play the game. If you leave DeBets App open on this page with the deposit shown active in the game and you start playing you will see that anytime you bet or win the Nonce will increase by one, the bet amount and win amount increase and the hash and its two signatures are updated to reflect the change of the message

  • Blockchain Activity: this is a timeline that shows everything that happened on the blockchain for this deposit. As already explained the only operations that require a transaction on the blockchain are the ones that update the Smart Contract: creation of the deposit, closing the deposit by both parties, adding funds to it. For all entries in the timeline you can see the hash of the transaction and you can use the Scanner> link to open the transaction in the block explorer.

# Deposits list

In DeBets App main view under the active deposit use the DEPOSITS button to open the page that shows the list of deposits that you have created.
Here you can filter your deposits by status and for each deposit you can see its current status, balance and percentage change with respect to the amount deposited.
Clicking on a deposit in the list opens its details view, where you can manage the deposit as described above.

# Closing deposits and withdrawals

You can use the WITHDRAW button to request the Smart Contract to close your deposit at anytime. This will execute a transaction on the blockchain which you will have to confirm in your Wallet. As soon as this transaction is mined DeBets Server will detect that the player has requested to close the deposit and it will automatically invoke the Smart Contract to submit its counter close request.
When both transactions are mined the Smart Contract will close the deposit. What happens now depends on the final balance:

  • if the balance is below the amount deposited (the player has lost some of the funds deposited) the Smart Contract sends to the player the remaining balance and adds the amount lost by the player to the balance of the game provider in the Smart Contract

  • if the balance is above the amount deposited (the player has made a winning with respect to the amount deposited) the Smart Contract deducts the amount won by the player from the balance of the game provider in the Smart Contract and then sends it to the player along with the amount that was initially deposited

# Adding funds to existing deposits

In order to increase the balance of your deposit you can use DeBets App to add more funds to it at any time.
Increasing the balance of an existing deposit is not just a way to have more funds available to play games, it is also a way to prevent the game provider to request the closing of your deposit when it is in loss. As explained in Deposit closing mechanism when your deposit is in loss the game provider can request the Smart Contract to close it if the balance is below the minimum balance or if deposit duration has elapsed. Adding funds to your deposit helps to prevent both: it allows you to raise the balance above the minimum value and it extends the duration of the deposit.

Adding funds to your deposit requires a transaction on the blockchain which you will have to confirm in your Wallet.