Game provider score
Every game provider in DeBets is assigned a score which is a percentage that represents its fairness and trustworthiness. Game providers are ranked from higher score to lower score in DeBets main page.
The score of a game provider is dynamical and is updated in real time based on multiple factors.
In this page we will explain in detail all the factors that determine the value of the score.
You should understand the meaning of the score and then use it to guide your reputation of the game providers in DeBets.
The three factors that determine the score are:
The percentage of player winnings that have been paid by the game provider. This is responsible for 45% of the score value, thus a provider that has paid 100% of the player winnings will get 45%, and a provider that has only paid half of the winnings will get 22.5%. Obviously game providers should always pay 100% of the player winnings, in case they do not then this will be forever reflected in their score.
This factor also induces game providers to keep enough funds in theSmart Contract
in order to pay player winnings automatically. While a deposit is inDUE PAYMENT
there is a non-zero amount of unpaid player winnings, resulting in a temporary lower score from this factor.The percentage of games that support Provably Fair out of the total number of games offered by the same game provider. This is responsible for 40% of the score value. Game providers are allowed to have up to 10% of games non-supporting
Provably Fair
without being penalized. This means that the percentage is computed considering only 90% of the games.
For example a game provider offering 100 games in total must have at least 90 games that supportProvably Fair
in order to get 40% contribution from this factor to the scorePayments expedition: this is a factor that represents how fast the game provider is to pay the player winnings. This is responsible for 15% of the score value.
Game providers should always mantain enough funds in theSmart Contract
so that player winnings are paid automatically when players request to close the deposits. As long as all player winnings are paid automatically the game provider gets the full 15% from this factor.
When instead wins are not paid automatically every additional day that the player will wait before his full winnings are paid the contribution of this factor will drop by 1%.